Sunday, January 31, 2016

Who would think of washing your car on January 31/16

Got warm enough to get some of the winter off the car, it will be dirty again the next time out.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Cold bright day

Had to dig the snowblower out again this morning after the snow and wind.  Cold last night and today but going to warm up tomorrow.  Out for some pics today.  Lots of snow, walked along Everette Lake Rd. and then hiked up the Tower road.
Click for bigger pic

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Lots of snow and more to come

Busy cleaning some of the roofs, front porch, garden shed, wood shed,  24 inches or more where it had drifted.  Here's a pic west of Gowganda  taken today.
click for larger pic

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Finally snow this was back on Jan. 11

This weekend we are going to get quite a bit more.  Lots of snow on the lake and lots of slush.  Very cold with the wind blowing.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Freeze up December 28, 2015

I've been away from the blog, catching up.  On Dec. 28th 2015 the lake officially froze over.   Here is a pic a day later.